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Water Therapy


          Practitioners need to know all the below said important information’s before practicing WATER THERAPY or USHA KAALA CHIKITSA (As in Sanskrit).

Nothing is softer, tastier or more flexible than water – Egyptian proverb


          Tasteless yet tasty, boring yet absorbing, DULL yet HEALTHY!!! – Yes it is Water. It is a solvent with unique hidden qualities.

          There are many methods that can help to release and cleanse toxins accumulated in the body. Generally advocated are specific drugs, exercises, massages and some alternative therapies. Water therapy tops the list, used as an alternative method to release and cleanse the toxins in the body. For years, many alternative therapists have used this therapy successfully with no side effects.

          It is an ancient Therapy that was practiced in India, Egypt, Rome, Japan, China, and other cultures to detoxify the body, naturally. Ancient Indians and Egyptians used it as one the most important methods for curing several diseases.

          Water is one of the five most fundamental elements that the body require like air, earth, fire and space. Being a natural solvent for most chemicals, enzymes, hormones and other things it gives natural remedy to most of the diseases. Be it rain water, pond water, well water or from any other source, water has got its own therapeutic effect on living beings.

          Water has a high surface tension because of which it has a high capillary action.  Due to this capillary action, water (and its dissolved chemicals) can move through the tiny blood vessels in the body and through the roots of the plant to its entirety.


           An adult human body is a bag of water, approximately 60% in Male and 57% in Female. It needs only 10-20 minutes for the body to throw excess water consumed. But for regular water it takes nearly 6 hours to redistribute the assimilated water inside the body and this time varies with the water used. If Boiled and cooled water is used, it takes around 3 hours while natural spring water takes around 2 hours. So it is always best to use water boiled and cooled (naturally) for drinking purposes. More over when water is boiled and cooled (naturally) it gets charged additionally with more energy and will gain more capacity to charge body at cellular level and clear the blocks in the flow channels. To know more about how to charge water naturally, i would recommend you to read Masaru Emoto’s “Messages from Water“.

          In TCM, water element balances Urinary system. Any imbalance in water element can result in problems relating to this system and a FEAR filled emotion.

          In Ayurveda, water represents soma (nectar) that essentially has cooling effect and is associated with Lunar Energies.  It balances Pitta  dosha, supports Kapha dosha and counteracts Vata dosha.


1.  Practitioners should brush their teeth’s previous night before going to sleep.

2.  People practicing and who intend to practice “Water Therapy” should only use boiled and cooled (naturally) water or spring water.

3.  Practitioners should have a balanced healthy diet and should avoid irregular food timings during the practice (Strictly).

4.  At least half an hour after drinking water do not consume coffee, tea or any snacks.

5.  Those who consume alcohol should avoid water therapy the following day, else this will lead to few stomach related problems.

6.  Some times minor problems (which already exists in body) may aggravate before diminishing which looks like side effects, when you start Water Therapy. Generally, this is considered a good sign of recovery. If the aggravated condition persists for more than 2-3 days it is advisable to meet your doctor.


Day 1 & 2: Previous night before going to bed, boil and let cool approximately 500ml of water. Generally boiled and cooled water is good for water therapy. Consume (at once) this water as soon as you wake up early in the morning, and then later brush your teeth’s. Do not consume any thing after this for at least half an hour.

Day 3 & 4: Continue the above procedure but increase quantity of water to 750 ml.

Day 5 & 6: Continue the above procedure but increase quantity of water to 1000 ml i.e., 1 liter (0.2642 gallons).

Day 7 & 8: Continue the above procedure but increase quantity of water to 1250 ml i.e., 1.25 liters.

Day 9 & 10: Continue the above procedure but increase quantity of water to 1500 ml i.e., 1.5 liters (0.3963 gallons)

Day 10 & later: Consume 1500 ml of water daily. (After 10th day do not increase the quantity of water)

          Any new practice involving body organs extensively needs patience, and it should be started slowly step-by-step (as said above) for good results.

          Consuming water early in the morning should thus be practiced for at least 6 months (or until the desired result is obtained) continuously without any breaks in-between to obtain maximum results, naturally.


          On the physical level, Water Therapy helps to heal a number of ailments like:

1. Helps remove wrinkles and dryness in Skin, helps skin to Glow

2. Gastro-enteritis, Dysentery, Constipation

3. Hyper acidity and some stomach related problems

4. High Cholesterol, Blood pressure

5. Some Urogenital diseases, irregular menstruation, rectal prolapse

6. Several forms of Headaches, Migraines, Sinusitis, Common Cold

7. Cools the body by reducing excess wind and heat present.

8. Obesity, Over weight problems

9. Dehydration and its related problems

10. Removes fatigue

          On the meta-physical level, Water helps to heal “the mind by calming it”

As irrigators lead water where they want, the wise use water – Unknown

           Remember, (If you are seriously ill or a long time chronic sufferer) most of the diseases are healed not by water therapy alone but in combination with other therapies and a healthy diet. So consulting an alternative therapist before starting Water Therapy would be a better idea.


          Water Therapy does not have any side effects, though people many times feel some old diseases cropping up with varied degrees. Giddiness, loose motions, itchy skin, dryness of tongue, flatulence, increased thirst are few complaints registered after starting Water Therapy. Do not worry; it will fade away in a day or two. If it prolongs, then consult a doctor immediately.

          Drinking too much of water than the requirements of body can lead to Hyponatremia causing low Sodium (Salts) in the blood fluids out side the cells.  

          Children’s (under 12 years) and Pregnant’s should consult an alternative therapist/doctor before starting Water therapy.